4 Simple Eco-Friendly Guest Amenities to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

4 Simple Eco-Friendly Guest Amenities to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

4 Simple Eco-Friendly Guest Amenities to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

4 Simple Eco-Friendly Guest Amenities to Cut Your Carbon Footprint

As moteliers and accommodation providers, the priority is always about providing the best experience for guests. But sometimes you have to take a step back - and look at how you are doing it.

Conventional guest amenities generate a huge amount of waste, with much of it ending up in landfill and taking sometimes hundreds of years to decompose into the earth.

More and more guests are demanding an eco-friendly experience when looking for accommodation for their next stay. A 2021 survey conducted in the UK found that over 85% of travelers would pay more money to stay in eco-friendly accommodation.

How do you appeal more to these guests?

It doesn't mean dramatically changing the way that you operate. Small steps matter - and you can start with your amenities. Below are four products you can introduce to quite easily reduce your carbon footprint. I’ve also included some links to a couple of Australian suppliers that have different offerings in this space, to get you thinking.

1. Biodegradable Shower Caps


Believe it or not, most shower caps are made from PVC and other kinds of plastic. The introduction of rice-based and corn starch-based bioplastics now means that you can actually purchase shower caps crafted from biodegradable material.

Earlier in September 2022, an airport hotel in Doha opened and announced their use of biodegradable shower caps but also other products built from sustainable material such as bottles, shaving facilities and toothbrushes. A simple but powerful message that you can use in an email out to your guest database.

Eco Fresh Shower Cap - Australian Accommodation Supplies

2. Bamboo Toothbrushes


Bamboo toothbrushes are an excellent way to greenify your guest experience. It performs the same level of cleaning as a conventional plastic toothbrush, and also adds a 'sleekness' to the whole bathroom experience.

Bamboo toothbrushes are also 'antimicrobial' - that means their very own internal properties go out of their way to kill bacteria on their own. They therefore become their own self-sustaining cleaning products offering defense in the long term from harmful germs. Of course, plastic does none of that.

Take a look at these brushes offered by Corporate Authority an Australian Business that can also brand your eco friendly products with your logo:

Bamboo Toothbrush | Corporate Authority

3. Natural soaps


Rather than relying on traditional liquid body wash, why not have natural soap bars in your hotel? They are non-toxic, generally suitable for all skin types and contain essential oils that will relax your guests during their stay. Natural soaps also tend to be cruelty-free and animal friendly – which ingredients almost exclusively plant-based.

Basic Earth Soap - Australian Accommodation Supplies

4. Dispensers (and not bottles)


Most shampoos and conditioners used by accommodation providers unfortunately come in plastic bottles - which massively contribute to waste generation in the industry. An excellent way to get around that is through installing wall-mounted dispensers into the rooms.

These can be filled using 5 or 10 litre cans, does away with the need to have an ongoing supply of little plastic bottles and can also make the bathrooms look stylish, sleek and incredible!

Dispenser Wall Brackets Stainless Steel - Australian Accommodation Supplies

Going eco-friendly isn't as hard as it seems

Taking these small steps to improve the eco-friendliness of your accommodation offering doesn't require a massive overhaul of how you do business. 

Everything can start small and replacing traditional products with eco-friendly, sustainable alternatives is a great way to transform your accommodation into an enjoyable eco-friendly experience for your guests.

Get in touch with me if you're keen to learn more, or if you’re looking for ways to improve the overall quality of your hotel, motel, caravan park or other type of accommodation!


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